Modellierung dynamischer und räumlicher Prozesse

Winter Semester 2008/2009

Lecture material


  1. Two marks will be given: one for the lecture part, one for the exercises part.
  2. The lecture mark will be the result of the final test; the final test will be held at 3.2.09.
  3. The exercise mark will be averaged from hand-in exercises (50%), and a final assignment/mini-project (50%)
  4. Not handing in a final assignment means not passing the exercises
  5. Maximally two exercises may be missed during the semester
  6. Details about the assignment/mini project are found below.

Lecture slides

Lecture slides are found here; the file is updated shortly before each lecture.


Details (when/where) will follow.

Exercise material

The exercises use the open source statistical environment R (an implementation of the S language for data analysis). You can find introductory/tutorial material through its respective web sites.

Austal2000 material

Exercise and model input are found here


If needed, these two books can be borrowed from me.

Data and scripts

Assignment and test

A test is planned on 3.2.09, and will cover the material treated in the lectures and exercises. The questions will not be of the kind "how do I do this with R", but rather refer to the modelling itself.

The assignment will be a written report of max 5 pages (regular fonts/margins/page size, including figures and/or tables) on a modelling topic taken from the list with suggestions below, or otherwise approved by me. The minimum requirements are (i) data should be analyzed, and (ii) the analysis should explicitly address spatial variation, temporal variation, or spatio-temporal variation.

The written report should include an introduction, a central research question, a description of the data, a description of the analysis and the results, and concluding remarks answering the central research question. Write in scientific style. It is allowed to do the research in couples, but the written report should be made individually. Hand-in deadline is Feb 27, 12:00. German is allowed, English is encouraged (but does not guarantee extra points). If you have used R, please attach the R script used as appendix (additional to the max. 5 pages).

For each topic: take care that you do not compute Euclidian distances based on long/lat coordinates. See the KML example in the exercises on how to (re)project data.

Topics list: