Modellierung dynamischer und räumlicher Prozesse
Winter Semester 2007/2008, ifgi, Edzer J. Pebesma
Lecture material
- 16.10.07: slides,
scans of Frankfurter Algemeine 28.09.07,
front page, complete story
The test will be given on Wed Jan 30, 10:00-12:00, location: H2 am
Hindenburgplatz. Das große Hörsaalgebäude gegenüber vom Schloss
(auf der anderen Straßenseite)
Exercise material
The exercises have not yet been set. Two pieces of software we will most likely use are
- PCRaster, a free (but not
open source) environment for dynamic spatial modelling, and
- the open source statistical environment R (an implementation of the S
language for data analysis)
You can find introductory/tutorial material through the respective
web sites.
- C. Chatfield, The analysis of time series: an introduction. Chapman
and Hall: chapters 1, 2 and 3
- P.A. Burrough and R.A. McDonnell, Principles of Geographic Information Systems. Oxford
University Press. Chapter 5 and 6.
- Two preprint chapters from Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R,
by R. Bivand, E. Pebesma and V. Gomez-Rubio (please do not redistribute this)
The first two books can be borrowed without asking (but please leave a note),
and should otherwise be on my desk at RvE, 5th floor.
Home work
- for 23.10.07: answer the following questions
- The EU has set two PM10 (particulates, particulate matter,
Feinstaub) limits: (a) find out which, (b) how do these limits change
on 01.01.2010?, (c) are these limits obtained by linear aggregation or
by non-linear aggregation over single (e.g. 10 minute) measured values.
- Why does the Frankfurter Algemeine article only mention one of the two limits?
- How can the Bayerische Verwaltungsgerichthof find out whether the EU
limit is exceeded for the house of the person who started this case?
- For 27 out of 29 the BW monitoring stations the limit was exceeded. Can we conclude
that in 93% of Baden-Württemberg the PM10 limit is exceeded?
- Where can we find the PM measurements for all of Europe?
- What is PM2.5?
- How can local authorities list the areas where a limit is exceeded?
- Before permission is given to build e.g. roads or buildings, one has to prove that
it will not result in the exceedence of a PM limit. How would you do this?
- On 23.10.07, 12-14h: go through the first 6 chapters (up to "lists
and data frames") of An Introduction to R: go to the R home page, click Manuals
under Documentation, and open the Introduction. You can copy and paste
commands to an R session, started in the CIP pool.
- meteo data, and R script
- 30.10.07 course material: finish the R introductory material, then
go carefully through these exercises (html,
- 13.11.07:
If you missed the lecture, first go through lecture slides
and if needed additional information (e.g. on wikipedia, which I found
not bad in this case). Then: go through all new exercises (4+5) of
the course;
- 20.11.07: go through section 6 of the course. If you don't finish it,
do it at home, before 27.11.07 (when we will discuss the exercises).
- 27.11.07: go through section 7 and 8 of the course. If you don't
finish it, do it at home, before 4.12.07 (when we will discuss the
exercises). If you get stuck somewhere, let me know.
- 4.12.07: you'll find more and new exercises. Try them!
- 11.12.07: we'll go through older exercises.
- 18.12.07: new exercises available
- 22.01.07: try the on-line exercises on Box-Cox transforms here
Assignment and test
A test is planned on 30 Jan 2007, 10:00-12:00, and will cover the material
treated in the lectures and exercises. The questions will not be of the kind
"how do I do this with R", but rather refer to the modelling itself.
The assignment will be a written report of max 5 pages (regular
fonts/margins/page size, including figures and/or tables) on a modelling
exercise you set up yourself. It should include an introduction, a
central research question, a description of the data, a description
of the analysis and the results, and concluding remarks answering the
central research question. It is allowed to do the research in couples,
but the written report should be made individual. It should be handed in
the latest two weeks before end of Semester Ferien (exact date/time will
follow). German is allowed, English is encouraged.
The final mark will be computed from both exercise and test (equally
weighted, but both need to be passed).